Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, Creative Lab
2015/12/5 (Sat.) 14:00, 2015/12/6 (Sun.) 14:00
Nordic is inspired by nature, the moment I was touched and shaken by the embracing power of nurture, and the harmony of men and nature. In 2013 I was in residency in Norway and had a life-changing experience, leading me spending the next two years to create Nordic – dedicating the memory I would like to keep sharing and developing in my life. Human beings live in the realm of nature, we are constantly surrounded by it but somehow in the busy bustling life, we forget about it so easily.
Nordic was searching for the long-lost relationship between life, nature and us.
Choreographer Ming-Hwa Yeh
Performer Ming-Hwa Yeh, Wu-Kang Chen
Overtone Singing Mark van Tongeren
Electronic Musician 晟︱SHENG
Costume Design eve wu
Installation Artist Yun-Ting TUNG
Graphic Design Adrianne chiu
Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government

光之敘事,時空歸零《寂靜敲門》 表演藝術評論台,吳政翰
時間的學徒:《寂靜敲門》 ARTalks,高俊宏
身體如此成為風景──《寂靜敲門》與《野外》的身體感/觀 ARTalks,紀慧玲