The House Behind The Wall
Wang Da Hong House Theatre
Jury’s Comments for the Grand Prize Winner
If buildings are the medium for physical representations of abstract emotions, then dance theater performances can be said to be an abstraction of concrete objects through the movements of the body. The House Behind The Wall is a transformation of snippets of the life of architect Wang Da Hong into dance movements. During the performance, the dancer ascends high walls, moves freely in the compound, and live in the present time and space. The performance is presented in phases, each one being calibrated to the spatial dimensions in which it takes place. The audience follows the dancer through the three phases of outdoor, theatrical, and immersive performances, and these different areas of performance and viewing enable both the dancer and the audience to jointly respond to the architectural characteristics of the space itself.
The House Behind The Wall (2020), recipient of 2021 Taishin The Annual Grand Prize.
The House Behind the Wall – Above
The House Behind the Wall – Strolling
The House Behind the Wall – Living

The House Behind the Wall – Above
The House Behind the Wall – Strolling
The House Behind the Wall – Living
牆與之上──月球 + 月亮 ARTalks,張啟豐(台新藝術獎提名觀察人)
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Alive with memories: The House Behind the Wall by Yeh Ming-hwa SeeingDance/Lin Yatin 林亞婷(表演藝術評論人)